There's no need to develop a product from scratch if you want to get a quick start with running your own internet marketing business. Especially if it flops!
You will find a huge supply of ready-made programs and services that you can promote as an affiliate, earning commissions on your sales. There are many affiliate networks - perhaps the most famous is ClickBank, but a quick Google search will find many more.
When you start, choose a broad topic; Then narrow down to a niche. For example: Your broad subject may be suffering from acne; Your niche might be advice for teenage girls with acne. You'll enjoy the process more if you choose a location that you find interesting, otherwise you may lose motivation quickly.
But don't choose the first "niche" you think of. Use the Google Keyword Tool to research different niches to (a) check whether there is demand (ie people looking for a solution to a problem) and (b) whether the market is already congested. If so, perhaps you need to delve deeper into your chosen niche. Do your own research too - imagine you were a buyer and take a critical look at the market place.
After choosing your niche, don't just promote the first affiliate program you find. Do several tests and compare them. Evaluate them thoroughly, look for:
Professional sales site,
Good affiliate tools,
Commission rate that makes your effort worthwhile,
What rate of return is experienced,
Up-sell and repeat purchase potential
Good support from affiliate manager - ask a question to check response time
To stand out from your competitors, you can make the same affiliate product more attractive to your customers by adding additional free bonuses or special discount codes. Perhaps you have a relevant qualification that enables you to provide expert help and support?
A review is a great way to market affiliate products - commenting on the pros and cons but of course you can't write an honest review without trying the product.. how can you recommend something you haven't tried Haven't tried it? It is also important to try the product so that you can answer any questions potential customers may have. Some affiliate managers will give you a free product for writing a review. It's worth asking!
One thing beginners often forget to do is capture the email addresses of their visitors. There are two main reasons for this. (a) You should build your list so that you can offer additional products to people who have shown interest on your site. (b) Visitors are less likely to make a purchase the first time they see something – If you have their email address, you can build a relationship by sending them useful, free information and reminding them of the benefits of your product.
Another tip, when I create an affiliate link, before promoting the site, I always click on the "Order" button to see if my affiliate ID is loaded so that I can get a commission. This is usually obvious. For example, with PayPal you need to see that you are being paid. With ClickBank, scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see your ClickBank nickname.
Affiliate marketing can be a profitable and enjoyable way to run an internet business and I hope these few tips will get you off to the best possible start.
Joy Healy runs her own online business and provides training and tips on how to avoid some of the beginner mistakes to help anyone starting their own home business. Check out his website for free home business tools and more tips on affiliate marketing:
There's no need to develop a product from scratch if you want to get a quick start with running your own internet marketing business. You will find a huge supply of ready-made programs and services that you can promote as an affiliate, earning commissions on your sales. You will enjoy the process more if you choose a location that you find interesting, otherwise you may lose motivation quickly. Use the Google Keyword Tool to research different niches to check whether there is demand (ie people looking for a solution to a problem) and whether the market is already congested. Perhaps you have a relevant qualification that enables you to provide expert help and support? A review is a great way to market affiliate products - commenting on the pros and cons but of course you cannot write an honest review without trying the can you recommend something you have not tried Have not tried it? It is also important to try the product so that you can answer any questions potential customers may have. There are two main reasons for this.You should build your list so that you can offer additional products to people who have shown interest on your site.Visitors are less likely to make a purchase the first time they see something If you have their email address, you can build a relationship by sending them useful, free information and reminding them of the benefits of your product. With ClickBank, scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see your ClickBank nickname. Affiliate marketing can be a profitable and enjoyable way to run an internet business and I hope these few tips will get you off to the best possible start.
Affiliate marketing can be a profitable and enjoyable way to run an internet business and I hope these few tips will get you off to the best possible start. You will find a huge supply of ready-made programs and services that you can promote as an affiliate, earning commissions on your sales. You will enjoy the process more if you choose a location that you find interesting, otherwise you may lose motivation quickly. It is also important to try the product so that you can answer any questions potential customers may have.There's There's no need to develop a product from scratch if you want to get a quick start with running your own internet marketing business. With ClickBank, scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see your ClickBank nickname.